爽约。约会。 十二月 26, 2009 There were too much of commitments And also Promises that I had to Obey and follow. Sorry, Pal~ I dont Meant to... But I had to. Forgive Me. xXGodLightXx 阅读全文
圣诞。傻蛋 十二月 26, 2009 又老了。 想当年的我们 青春的疯狂 年少的疯狂 简单的疯狂 单纯的疯狂 爽快的疯狂 哈哈 盼 一切如常 虽然 我们拥有许多规矩 拥有许多局限 许多的残局 见招拆招。 兵来将挡。 我坚信, 你行。 与你同在 圣光 阅读全文