

目前显示的是 一月 24, 2010的博文

Merentas Desa~( BC Version)

People is complaining that I shud write both version. For all My Blog Readers, Supporters and so on. Either You Prefer Mandarin Version? Or English Version? Let Me know ^^ Allright, Its quite surprising that I had to put both version in my blog...XD xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 长跑得逞 来个 开门红 大吉大利 赢得了本轮最佳长跑环节组别(红组) 身为红组主席, 荣幸上台领取该奖杯。 谢谢 一切支持。 一切扶持。 老师,朋友,组员。 我 是那么的懦弱 当天助老师学妹来点影像捕捉 没办法陪大家跑完全程 深感歉意 主席,没做好本分。 红魔们,有了开门红。 你们 依然精彩 依然优秀 还有 本年度总杯 盼望大家继续努力。 继续红下去 传说的延续 在你我肩上 继续担下去 圣光

Merentas Desa~2010 (Conclusion)

~Merentas Desa~ Thankyou to all d efforts from My Red Devils. from My Assistance. from all the AJK. Besides that, I had to emphasize my thankyou to Pn.Selvi, Pn Nor Aliza, & so on. All the Reds' teachers-in-charge. Reds, You R Rock!! For the Road Run event . Proud Of all of You. And, now We Are Heading forward Sports Day. For our Final Trophy!!! Red House of 2010!!! Final War Preparation Begins... Let Us Begin Our Legends. And all of these Need Efforts From you. Thankyou. xXGodLightXx