
Should Try Being Selfish.

Unnecessary Commitment to obey with all kinds of responsibility.
Most of the time, I think I should put aside my feelings and emotions and start being strict.
Jobs and workings to carry out isn't in my job scope actually.
I am involuntarily now taking up jobs and responsibilities for some god sake and it seem endless SHITS(Literally) continuously incoming.
Instead, I am not supposed to break my vow and supposed to focus on my priorities.

Feelings and Emotions do carry me away sometimes.
The Weak part of me of not showing my true color to someone I care.
but shutting myself up in own room and put on earphone listening loud song.
(I don't usually listen loud music for people who know me well)
By the way, no one should ever care about me as I am not mentioning a word and taking it all myself.
Wondering if that is the rightful reason to be faking around my smiles and even laugh about it.
I am laughing for looking at some people who do harm to me mentally. HAHA

Is that true that the lesser I care about people surrounding me,
I would be happier without picking up the harsh ignorance and blames?

Yes. I admit that I generally doesn't really care about picking up ignorance and blames,
probably just because when it comes from people that pretty close to me and related in some sense, I do feel a bit here and there, based on the Psychologically Reactions that I realized on the people surrounding me.

I see those Cold-blooded Faces and Ignorance of people, that taken the warmth of heart of me.
Aside the Ignorance, still, I am being thankful for the hard times that I need to get through with Aids from fellow friends which I can put my trust on. I do feel them.
In this foreign land that we are supposed to be on our own survival, helpful friends are very helpful indeed.
Beside being thankful, I do feel some unnecessary friendship which kinda of Selfish that hurt a bit, I am absolutely alright to be alone and single for that.
Realistic Society out there do have these people. I am sure for that.
And I am too DUMB to be smart over it.
Thanks for teaching me a lesson AGAIN.

I have Emotions. Just the matter of I show it or hide it.
And should I releasing my temper on this person who close to me. (unnecessarily?)
I should be trying being selfish a bit.

Lesson Learnt.
Come on,  Bulk up. Still a long way to carry on.
The Journey doesn't just end here.




夜读与背书。 摄于台北. 九份29/9/2017 白天披着白袍游走白象塔里的所见人生百态, 一幕幕简单幸福,一幕幕惊心触目; 一幕幕前所未闻,一幕幕措手不及, 一幕幕力不从心,一幕幕遗憾懊悔。 我深深吸一口气定神,嚼咬着一片口香糖,匆匆把手头上的活儿赶一赶。 然后,下岗后提着疲惫的身子回家时又不禁回想起当日情节,心头顿时暖暖的。 枕头上的脑袋思路漫漫宛如野马奔驰,一路风景幕幕倒带: 我怀念那位84岁老妇每天风雨不改的清早6时正探亲时间 (visiting hour) 出现病房里, 熟练的手势倒杯乌咖啡递给老翁日常习惯,再用湿毛巾轻柔地檫檫老翁的脸颊。 歇会儿,双手合握着老翁的左手揉一揉,眼里满满爱意守护着老翁。 整个病房间的咖啡香,与我小小医生清晨早起朦胧的睡意强烈对比下, 这对老伴俩要的幸福很简单,不外是俩口在一块儿,陪伴着对方。 我怀念那个呱呱坠地的小瓜现在长大了吗? 小孩子都顽皮嘛。那小瓜妈妈还是如此疼爱小瓜吗?会不会嫌弃小瓜乱跑乱钻呢? 那妈妈焦虑地看着医生为小瓜打针时,一直打眼色要医生小心一些。 一针下去,呱呱哭了一声,又是一把眼泪一把鼻涕的,紧抓妈妈的怀抱里。 父母心啊,抱在怀里,疼在心里。 我怀念那位独坐在一旁的先生,彬彬有礼地和我谈心。 这忧郁症病患心中有解,明白他脑袋里思路持续忧伤是病。 微声细语的对话耗了数小时,聆听着他讲述的人生经历与心魔。 我临走时他站起身子与之握手:“谢谢你,耐心地听我的故事。” 他微笑说。 突然领悟到这般琐碎小事:耐心地倾听,何止是了解病人而已,还是对病人的基本尊重。 我感激那位工作实习的同大学师姐逗弄我的当儿,一并分享病房里的故事与经验。 夜里病房的机器声规律交响,我和学姐熬夜举杯铝罐咖啡聊聊病历与医疗程序。 到早晨我的脑袋当机了,揉揉眼袋还是睡意难缠。 可这实习的医生学姐还能专注继续工作呢。(哪有我年轻还比她差劲的理由啊) 还有,很多很多..... 零零碎碎的风景在白象塔里时刻发生着,暖人细节也持续发生。 我看在眼底,并非意识性地用心感受着, 医生老师常说,有感觉很好,也很不好。 毕竟当个专业的医生,是不该拥有太多情绪的。 不合当的情绪化在一定程度上


自Youtube。 偶然听到这曲子,有点想念。 那久不见的人远在天边。说好的再见却从此失联。 人儿已不在身边,不知是否仍然平安康健。 熟悉的口腔却荡漾脑海间。我们多么疯狂的从前。 曾经的疯癫。数不完回忆的当年至现今的想念。 某日独人徘徊那走过的老街,兜兜转转又回到原点。 穿行空巷间,电缆上歇息的鸽子麻雀,脚尖却不自觉踏进的那街角小店。 回温曾经坐过的店面右角尖,想念那熟悉的身影曾经斜躺过的右手边。 吹嘘着温热的咖啡送嘴边,细听咖啡店里播放的小调旋。 回忆多么多笑声的从前。多么贴近的张张笑脸。 何日闲,可见个面。 出来喝茶猜个拳。寒暄近日改变。 来点笑容挂在嘴边。分享时光碎片。聊聊天照个片。 那许久的好久不见,何日能再见一面。 我留情字迹间,盼早日再续情缘。 圣光


红帘。摄于18/11/11。 曾经一颗热心与蛮冲劲。热血男孩的硬朗。 曾经一颗充满尝试与享受挫折的学习心态。 拾起几项爱好调节心情心性,始末都是零碎的学习过程。 经验与多尝试还是需要一步一脚印地累积。心理心灵上的自我陶醉。 都不称心。自我世界里边自我打滚。终究差一点什么。 红帘里头有颗宏心。裝着梦想与方向。 如舞台上红帘未开,充满期待。不禁猴急地盼望角色演出。 当红帘卷起,各角色陆续露面。路过。离去。 理性与感性的纠缠。褒贬的角色,性情,态度造就所有情节。 缠绵不清的一幕幕延续,莫名链接直到高潮再结局掌声四起。红帘卷下。曲终人散。 结局有待揭晓。那件事,那琐事的点点滴滴连串起来,人生。 红帘的故事。你和我的故事。 你和我的人生。 圣光